Book Publishing in the 21st Century - J. Neil Schulman

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Where can I find out more about e-publishing?

Book Publishing in the 21st Century - J. Neil Schulman

If you´re considering self-publishing, an obvious choice is e-publishing, or making your book available in electronic format via the web. The seminal guide to e-publishing is J. Neil Schulman´s "Book Publishing in the 21st Century." It is, of course, available in e-book format.

Visit Schulman´s company, Pulpless, at



3/19/2007 1:02:13 PM
J. Neil Schulman said:

Thanks for the link! However, you and your readers should know that the price for download Book Publishing in the 21st Centtury is no longer $2.95 per volume.

The downloads for both volumes are now free. :-)


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